Sanyasa Journal

Vol. XIX, No. 1 Jan – July 2024
1The Consecrated: Tempted and EnamoredAngel Moreno
2Consecrated Life as Imitatio Christi in the Age of Influencers and FollowersAnthony Obikonu Igbokwe,
3Journeying to the Center: Path to Transformation in
Consecrated Life
Joel Dikuba Nkongolo, CMF
4Praying-cum-Sleep: Play of Divine Prerogative and
Human Privilege
A Paul Dominic, SJ
5A Christological Approach to Religious Vows as
Ascent to Christian Perfection in the Light of St Gregory of Nyssa’s The Life of Moses
Thomas Vadakkekunnel, CMF
6Case Clinic
Obstinate Disobedience Leading to DismissalJoseph Ammaikunnel, CMF
7Contemplating with the Celluloid
Babette’s Feast: A Eucharistic Parable of
Consecrated Life
Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF
8Book Reviews
Paulson Veliyannoor’s A Birthing: When Grace
Meets Nature
V. Beulah Vennela
Pope Francis’ Discernment: The Gift of GodJegan Venislas, CMF
Sajith Cyriac’s Consecrated Life in the Digital AgeSheal Lukose, MMM
Message of His Holiness Pope Francis on the Global
Compact on Education
Pope Francis
10What Is Your Best Practice in Consecrated Life?
Vol. XIX, No. 2 July – December 2023
1The Phenomenon of Departures: Some Critical IssuesDr. Arul Jesu
Robin, CMF
2Liquid Fidelity in a Fragmented World: A Reality CheckSr. Prabina
Rudum, IBVM
3Honouring the Forever: Cultivating Fidelity and PerseveranceFr. Gonzalo
Fernández Sanz,
4To Stay or not to Stay: Discernment and
Sr. Anna Mary
5The Gift of Fidelity: The Joy of Perseverance Separation from the Institute: Norms and Practice of the DicasteryDr. Varghese
Koluthara, CMI
6Separation from Institutes of Consecrated Life: An Analysis of the Substantive and Procedural Law in CIC and CCEO with Special Reference to the Guidelines the Gift of Fidelity, the Joy of PerseveranceDr. James
Pampara CMI,
Case Clinic
1Dismissal of a Perpetually Professed Religious: A Case StudyDr. James
Pampara, CMI
2Case ClinicDr. Varghese
Koluthura, CMI
Vol. XIX, No. 1 January – June 2023
1Rooted in the Future, Audacious in the Present:
Towards an Evolutionary View of Consecrated
Paulson Veliyannoor,
2Celebrating Life and Mission in Intercultural and
Intergenerational Communities
Mathew Vattamattam,
3Prophetic and Contemplative Dimension of
Community Life
José Cristo Rey García
Paredes, CMF

4Leadership and Organization of Religious CommunityCallistus Y.P. Joseph,
5The Gift of Fidelity: The Joy of Perseverance Separation
Empathy: A ‘Must’ for Effective Leadership in

Consecrated Life
James Kannanthanam,
6Problems to Solve or Miracles to Embrace?
Faced with Spiritual, Community and
Institutional Pessimism
José Cristo Rey García
Paredes, CMF
8Book Review
Vol. XVIII, No. 2 July – December 2022
1The Synodality that God expects from Consecrated Life in the Third MillenniumJosé Cristo Rey García
Paredes, CMF
2Synodality in the Life and Mission of the Church and Its Implications for Consecrated
Inigo Joachim, SSA
3Christification (Theosis): The Goal of Consecrated LifeMichael Plamparambil,
4Present Disciplinary Norms of the Church on Irregular Priests and ReligiousJose Koonamparampil,
5Fratelli Tutti: A Paradigm for the Mission of Consecrated PersonsA. John Kennedy, SDM
6Soil, Soul and Society - A New Trinity for our TimeShalini Mulackal, PBVM
8Book Review
Vol. XVII, No. 1 January – June 2022
1Walking Forth in the Spirit Practicing Discernment in Personal Life and in CommunitiesMathew Vattamattam, CMF
2Religious’ Obligation for Community Life and Pope
Francis’ Communis Vita
Jose Koonamparampil, CMF
3Authenticum Chirsmatis on Establishing Institutes of
Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life
Jose Koonamparampil, CMF
4Insights for Consecrated Life from Joseph Cycle (Gen
Arul Jesu Robin, CMF
5The Eco-Consciousness of Thirukkural, the Template for
the Consecrated
S. Devadoss, CMF
6The Community School of Disciples in Mission

Carlos Verga, CMF
Vol. XVI, No. 2 July – December 2021
1Significance of Consecrated Life Today Mathew Vattamattam, CMF
2Making Sense of our Consecration during the Pandemic Times Xavier E. Manatath, CMF
3New Perspectives on Mission: SDGs as a challenge of the Spirit José Cristo Rey Garcia Paredes, CMF
4Following Christ at a distance: Some Considerations on the Growing Mediocrity in Fidelity and Commitment among the Consecrated Babu Sebastian, CMF
5Clerical Child Sexual Abuse: Victims and Victimisers James Kananthanam, CMF
6Om, Shalom, and Christ towards a Theology of Interculturality? Tomy Mundankunnel, CMF
7Book Review
Vol. XVI, No. 1 January – June 2021
1Conflict Transformation in Religious Communities Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF
2Walking on the Water without Sinking: From Loss of Hope and Boredom to Creativity José

Cristo Rey Garcia Paredes, CMF
3Joy and Happiness in Consecrated Life: Some Reflections Jose Rovira Arumi, CMF
4Discipleship: A Call To Be with Jesus' Or "To Remain in Jesus George Panthalanickal, CMF
5Building a Dream CommunityJames Kananthanam, CMF
6 The Ministry of The Religious as Guru
Swami Vikrant, SDB
7The Situation of Vocation to Brotherhood in India
Rahul Reddy, SG
The Erection of Religious Institute and Society of Apostolic Life in the Light of Motu Proprio Authenticum Charismatis and Ab Initio of Pope Francis
9Book Review
Vol. XV, No. 2 July – December 2020
1Breast Function of the Eucharist in Anthony Mary Claret:A Psychoanalytic Reading of the “Great Grace”Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF
2Unmasking Moral Hypocrisy among the Consecrated:
Some Psychodynamic Considerations
Babu Sebastian, CMF
3Corona Virus (COVID-19):An Eco-theological ApproachS. Devadoss, CMF
4Ritual Substitutes for Ethical Living:The Matthean LessonMartin George Mankunnam, CMF
5The Critical Issues Faced by the Church Today and Their Effects on Consecrated LifeJosé Cristo Rey García Paredes, CMF
6The Healing Ministry of Jesus andIts Relevance for Consecrated LifeM. Arul Jesu Robin, CMF
7The Art of Happy Living of Consecrated Life asOrdained Ministers(With Special Focus on Integral Formation)Justin Thomas Kuzhivelil, CMF
8Homily of Pope Francis on the Celebration of24th World Day for Consecrated Life (Documentation)
9Book Review
Vol. XV, No. 1 January – June 2020
1Biblical and Ecclesial Portrayal of the Youth andTheir Significance for Consecrated Persons          George Panthalanickal, CMF
2Today’s Youth – Tomorrow’s Consecrated Persons                            George Kannanthanam, CMF
3Pope Francis’ Message to the Youth and Its Relevance tothe Consecrated Persons                 Sr. Michael Rita, FSJ
4Call to Consecrated Persons for Transformationin the Light of the Gospel        Xavier E. Manavath, CMF
5Youth Ministry – A Daring Call to Consecrated PersonsSivyKoroth, SDB
6Consecrated Persons for the Service of Youth for DiscernmentSmitha Gabriel, ASI
Vol. XIV, No. 2 July – December 2019
1The Context and Overview of Gaudete et ExsultateArul Jesu Robin, CMF
2Where Consecrated Life is…There is JoyHoliness! Comments to Gaudete et Exsultate (“Rejoice and beGlad”)José Cristo Rey Paredes, CMF
3New-Gnosticism – A Subtle Enemy of HolinessMarykuttyJoseph, SCSA
4Neo-Pelagianism – A Subtle Enemy of HolinessSylvie Rodriques
5Holiness as Living the Beatitudes                         Dr. Xavier E. Manavath, CMF
6Signs of Holiness in Today’s WorldRuby, OSA
7Life of Holiness – A Constant Battle
(Arise and Shine –You are the Light Bearer)     
Stella Baltazar, FMM
8The Weapons Necessary for Holiness of LifeIrene Leena Pais, UFS
9Pope Francis’ Call to Holiness in the Modern WorldA. Pushparajan
10Gaudete et Exsultate – A Guide to Consecrated LifeJames Niravath, OCD
Vol. XIV, No. 1 January – June 2019
1Where the consecrated life is ... There is Joy ... Holiness!Reflections on Gaudete et Exultate (Rejoice and Be Glad)       José Cristo Rey Paredes, CMF
2Jubilee Celebrations and Their Implications for Consecrated PersonsV. Lawrence, CMF
3The Jacob Cycle (Gen 25:19–36:43) and Its Implications for Consecrated LifeArul Jesu Robin, CMF
4Secularism: Neither a Denial of Religion Nor an Endorsement        Xavier E. Manavath, CMF
5A Fidelity that Rebels: Lessons from the Movie Whale RiderPaulson Veliyannoor, CMF
6Ecclesiastical Offices at the Service of Pastoral Ministry:The Notion of Ecclesiastical Office in the 1983 Code of Canon Law Jose Ammaikunnel, CMF
7Recapturing the Contemplative Dimension of Consecrated Lifefor More Effective Mission         Lifey Paul, SJB
8Go to Peripheries – Pope Francis’ Call to Consecrated Persons(Prophetic Role of the Religious)              Jisha Mathew, SCSC
9The Dance of Mission (A Daring New Initiative of the Spirit by the Marist Brothers: International New Communities)      Jeff Crow
Vol. XIII, No. 2 July – December 2018
1Political Theology – Political Pneumatology: The Key to a New Awareness, Discernment and Action in the Context of Religious Pluralities and DiversitiesJosé Cristo Rey Paredes, CMF
2A Contemporary Analysis of the Indian Scenario (Summary)                    Selvaraj Arulnathan SJ
3Indian Constitution: A Fundamental Source of ReferenceRobin Christopher
4Globalization and its Potential Effects on Rural IndiaM. Hilaria Soundari
5Politics of Majoritarianism: A Threat to Democracy (Summary) Selvaraj Arulnathan SJ
6Searching for the Foundational Wisdom in Religions:
A Path Towards Inclusivity and Acceptance
Xavier E. Manavath, CMF
7Religions as Agents of Social Transformation in IndiaS. Vincent Anesthasiar, CMF
8The Mission of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC):Towards Nation-building                          S. Vincent Anesthasiar, CMF
9Dialogue and Reconciliation: Ways to Counter Religious Polarization                       A. Pushparajan
Vol. XIII, No. 1 January – June 2018
1Reading Matthew as an Existential Story for the Consecrated:Becoming Countercultural Gospel Models in a Mythical Culture ofAcquisitive Desire and Accusatory ViolenceGeorge Panthalanickal, CMF
2Response of the Church Leadership to Clerical Child AbuseJames Kannanthanam, CMF
3Transformative Process of a God-Oriented Journey – A Must forConsecrated PersonsJoseph Mattam, SJ
4Called to Follow and Called to Lead:The Significance of Spirituality in Following and LeadingJohn Kennedy Michael, CMF & Allan Guzman Ph.D.
5A Life Anchored in God’s Love, Seeking after His Joyful Heart:The Meaning, History, Characteristics, and Theology of Religious LifeM.V. Johnson, OFM & Francis Fernandez
6The Call of Matthew and Its Implications for Consecrated Persons(Mt 9:9-13)Arul Jesu Robin, CMF
Vol. XII, No. 2 July – December 2017
1Communion and Love-Shaped Communities: Biblical InspirationJosé Cristo Rey Paredes, CMF
2Communion and Love-Shaped Communities: Biblical InspirationJosé Cristo Rey Paredes, CMF
3Founders’ Missionary Vision: The Essence of a Religious CommunityXavier E. Manavath, CMF
4Eucharist and the Word of God – Two Eyes of a Religious CommunityAlex Kalathikattil, SDB
5Religious Community – A Place for Becoming Real Brothers and Sisters Antony Bhyju, CMF
6Challenges for Living Together and A Way ForwardOlinda Sequeira, UFS
7Friendship and Intimacy in Religious CommunitiesGeorge Kallampally, CMF
8Compassionate Care for the Aged and Sick Members of CommunityS. Anselmus, CMF
9Joyful Community Life – The First ApostolateMariola, BS
Vol. XII, No. 1 January – June 2017
1Consecrated Life as Eucharistic Corrective to CulturePaulson Veliyannoor, CMF
2Being in Truth and Untruth: a Psychodynamic Reading
on the Divided Lives of the Consecrated 
Babu Sebastian, CMF
3Prophets and Mystics: Reflections on the Consecrated LifeJoseph Mattam, SJ
4Mission – the Core of Consecrated LifeArul Jesu Robin, CMF
5Joyful Missionaries of the GospelM. SahayaSangithaRani, FMA
6Accompaniment: an Essential Tool in the Formation of the ReligiousSanthiyaguJansi, CSA
Vol. XI, No. 2 July – December 2016
1Ecological Crisis: Multiple FacesLeo F. Saldanha
2Recovering the Biblical Vision of a Harmonious CreationJoy Philip Kakkanattu, CMI
3Human Roots of Ecological Crisis: A Theological PerspectiveS. Devadoss, CMF
4Call for an Ecological ConversionChristopher VimalrajHiruthya
5Strategic Responses and Lines of Action for Ecological Justice and CareStella Baltazar, FMM
6Towards the ‘Ecological Conversion’ of Consecrated Life:The Eco-Dimension of The VowsJosé Cristo Rey Paredes, CMF
7A Sound Ecological Spirituality and EducationXavier E. Manavath, CMF
8Models of Ecology from the Heart of Religious LifeJossy Fernandes, OFM (Cap)
Vol. XI, No. 1 January – June 2016
1Exodus and Signals of God: The Journey of Consecrated Life TodayJosé Cristo Rey Paredes, CMF
2Religious Life: Towards a new Historical ParadigmDiarmuid O’Murchu, MSC
3Living the Vow of Religious Obedience seen through a Psycho-Spiritual LensBabu Sebastian, CMF
4Constitutions: The Way of Life for the Institutes of Consecrated LifeJacob Arakkal John, CMF
5Purpose of Ecclesiastical Office According to Vatican Council IIJoseph Ammaikunnel, CMF
6The Moderator’s Role in the Community (Part II)JosepRovira, CMF
Vol. X, No. 2 July – December 2015
1Mebasser: Prophets of Joy – New EvangelizersJose Cristo Rey Paredes, CMF
2Bringing God’s Embrace: Perspectives of the OTP. Joseph Titus
3Bringing God’s Embrace: Perspective of the NTJames Kadankavil, SDB
4Religious Vocation: A Joyous Response to the God of LoveElizabeth C.S, SJT
5Resonances in Spirituality: Asceticism to AestheticismXavier E. Manavath, CMF
6Bringing Passion and Joy into Religious FormationM. Michael Mariadass, CMF
7Joyous Community Living: The First MissionTeresa Peter, FS
8Radiating the Joy of the Gospel: The Spirit of Pope FrancisShaji George Kochuthara, CMI
9Radiating God’s Hospitality: A Perspective from the Prison MinistrySebastian Vadakumpadan
Vol. X, No. 1 January – June 2015
1A Socio-Cultural and Analogical Reading of Initiation,
Novitiate and Profession in Consecrated Life
George Panthalanickal CMF
2Spirituality of Consecrated LifeFelix Podimattam, OFM Cap.
3The Moderator’s Role in The Community (Part I)JosepRovira, CMF
4Re-visiting the Pharisees as Religious LeadersMartin George, CMF
5Jesus’ Commission (Lk 10:1-12): A Call to Consecrated Persons for a Paradigm Shift in MissionS. Devadoss, CMF
6The Crisis of Religious Life in Europe: A Call to Religious Life WorldwideJosé María Vigil, CMF
Vol. IX, No. 2 July – December 2014
1Vatican II: A Momentous Event In the History of the ChurchLucien Legrand, MEP
2Impact of Vatican II on Religious LifeVimala Chenginimattam, CMC
3Re-Visioning Evangelical Counsels:50 years after Vatican IIXavier E. Manavath, CMF
4Rediscovering the Identity ofConsecrated Life in the Changing WorldVenceslaus Lawrence, CMF
5The Gospel Vitality and theEmerging Trends of Covenant-DiscipleshipJoe Tauro, OCD
6Evolving Evangelical Families: New Forms of ConsecrationMani Karott, LBJ
7Scenarios and Language of a “New Evangelization”José Cristo Rey Paredes, CMF
Vol. IX, No. 1 January – June 2014
1Where is the Spirit Leading Consecrated Life at the Beginning of this New Millennium?José Cristo Rey Paredes, CMF
2Centrality of Christ, The Word Made Flesh in the Life of the ReligiousXavier E. Manavath, CMF
3Challenges and Opportunities for Consecrated Life from the Perspective of AsiaLode Wostyn, CICM
4Stress in Religious Life: A Call to Make Meaningful ChoicesShanti Jose, FCC
5Evangelii Gaudium: On Evangelization Marked with JoyJohnson Thurackal, CMF
6New Horizons for the Mission of Consecrated LifeJosep M. Abella, CMF
Vol. VIII, No. 2 July – December 2013
1The Sequela Christi: Christian Discipleship in the Universality of the 21st CenturyDiarmuid O’Murchu, MSC
2Eco-Feminism and Faith: Reclaiming a Subverted Global WisdomPushpa Joseph, FMM
3Call to New Evangelization: Scope and Relevance a Contextualized Reading of InstrumentumLaborisXavier E. Manavath, CMF
4Transmission of Faith: Agents and Forms.K.J. Thomas
5Consecrated Life in Response to the Call for New EvangelizationJoseph Mappilaparambil, CMF
6Challenges to New Evangelization: Indian Context and the Call of JusticeM.K. George, SJ
7Creative Responses to the Challenges of New Evangelism: New and Living WaysCynthia Stephen
Vol. VIII, No. 1 January – June 2013
1‘The Dark Night of the Soul’: Faith and Faithfulness in PsalmGeorge Panthalanickal, CMF
2Mary: The Prototype of Religious LifeJonathan K. Morse, PhD
3Core Characteristics of the Spirituality of Consecrated Life:A Case Study of St. Anthony Mary ClaretNoble Mannarath, CMF
4From Fragmentation to Wholeness:Journey Towards a Joyful Consecrated LifeTresaPurayidom, EF
5Innovations in Life-Style:A Process in Creative FidelityXavier E. Manavath, CMF
6Mission-Shaped Religious Life:New Paradigm in Epochal ChangeJosé Cristo Rey Paredes, CMF
Vol. VII, No. 2 July – December 2012
1The World to Be Evangelized Challenges and PossibilitiesDexter S. Maben
2Called to Respond to the Mission Call:Theological and Ecclesial HorizonsB. Joseph Francis
3Searching for the Mission Proper to the ConsecratedXavier E. Manavath, CMF
4Doing with Others:Working Collaboratively for Missio DeiPaulson Veliyannoor, CMF
5Revisiting the Missionary Role of the LaityJacob Jose
6Challenges to the Mission:The Indian HorizonHelen Dantis, UFS
7Towards a Missionary Spirituality for the “Year of Faith”Jose Kumblolickal, MSFS
8Radical Living of Religious Life- Some ModelsMathew Perumpil, MI
Vol. VII, No. 1 January – June 2012
1Consecrated Life: A Sacrament of EschatonMaria Anto, CMC
2The Pneumatological Dimension of Religious Life TodayMathew Vadakkel Joseph, CMF
3Power and Centrality of the Word of Godin the Lives of Chosen PeopleAlex Ancheles, CMF
4Working Through the Entrenchment in Religious LivingXavier E. Manavath, CMF
5Mercy (Lk 6:36) and Perfection (Mt 5:48): Searching for the Ideal in Consecrated LifeMartin George, CMF
6Perfectionism in Religious Living: Some Psychological ConsiderationsBabu Thannickal, CMF
Vol. VI, No. 2 July – December 2011
1Biblical and Theological Perspectives on Religious HarmonyJose Kuttianimattathil, SDB
2Dreaming an Inter-Religious life: Pneumatology and Inter-FaithJosé Cristo Rey Paredes, CMF
3Hindu Monasticism and Inter-Religious HarmonySwami Paramasukhananda
4Buddhism and Its Universal Appeal for Harmonious LivingSudhakar Rao
5Jainism and Its Harmonious View of all FaithsAnshumalin D. Shah
6Gandhi’s Contribution to Inter-Religious HarmonyA. Pushparajan
7Dialogue with all Faiths: Lived Experience of a Christian AshramMary John Kattikatt, FMM
Vol. VI, No. 1 January – June 2011
1Methods in Prayer: A Foundational ApproachXavier E. Manavath CMF
2From ‘Ur of the Chaldeans’:Anomalies and Reversals in the Vocation of AbrahamJohnson Thurackal CMF
3Quest for Wholeness: A Religio-spiritual PerspectiveThomas Thakadipuram CMF
4Is There a Charism of Saint Ann?Paul Dominic SJ
5Called to Walk in the Design of the Lord:Anointing Story in Luke as an Icon to Interpret Religious LifeGeorge Panthalany CMF
6Apostolic Christ Experience for a MoreMeaningful Consecrated LifeNoble Mannarath CMF
Vol. V, No. 2 July – December 2010
1Leadership and CommunityGabriel Mathias, OFM
2Happy and Inspiring Religious Communities: Essential Elements,Distinguishing Marks and Formation IssuesJoe Mannath, SDB
3Consecrated Life and Affective MaturityMarie Eugene D’Almeida, AC
4Biblical Foundation for Community LifeArul Jesu Robin, CMF
5Pauline Agape and Religious CommunitiesMartin George, CMF
6Consecrated Life: A Call to an Inclusive Missional CommunityAntony Kalliath, CMI
7Homily on the Occasion of the 14th Day of Consecrated Life(2 February 2010)Pope Benedict XVI
Vol. V, No. 1 January – June 2010
1Passion for Christ, Passion for Humanity: A Girardian Reading of Consecrated Life, and its Formative ImplicationsPaulson V Veliyannoor, CMF
2Empowerment of Women in the Church and Society(Comments on the CBCI Document on theEmpowerment of Women)Joseph Mattam, SJ
3Appreciative Inquiry: Shifting Paradigms for Community LivingJames Kannanthanam, CMF
4Religious/Consecrated Community:Intense Sign of the Ecclesial CommunionTresaPurayidom, EF
5Called to be Apostles:Dynamics and Challenges of Consecrated Life in IndiaJohn Sankarathil, OSFS
Vol. IV, No. 2 July – December 2009
1Conversion of Paul and its Relevance to Our VocationT. Xavier Terrence
2Pauline Theology of Communion: A Challenge to Religious CommunitiesJacob Parappally, MSFS
3Formation as Transformation into the Image of Christ(Pauline Formative Paradigm for Christian Living)V. Lawrence, CMF
4Prayer in St. Paul: An Authentic Expression of hisVocation and Mission as the Apostle of GentilesThomas Vattukulam, CMF
5Priestly and Religious Formation in India Today: TheRhetoric, the Reality and Some ProposalsJoe Mannath, SDB
6Centrality of Christ, the Word Made Flesh in the Life ofthe ReligiousXavier E. Manavath, CMF
7Cathedrals vis-a-vis Worldwide Fair: The Church inDialogue with the New AgePaul Dominic, SJ
Vol. IV, No. 1 January – June 2009
1Sanyasa of Ours: A Peep of Its SATand ASATPaul Dominic, SJ
2Religious Life according to the Liturgical TextsPaul Puthanangady, SDB
3Spirituality of the Old Especially of the ReligiousBandhuIshanandVempeny, S.J
4The Word of God in the History Of Religious CharismArul Jesu Robin, CMF
5Freedom vs Fame, Significance vs Success: towards aParadigm of Humility in Religious Life in the Indian ContextJohn Sankarathil, OSFS
6Lead Us from Darkness to Light: towards a Theology andMetaphor of PreachingJose K. Jacob, SMM
Vol. III, No. 2 July – December 2008
1The Word of God in the Call and ConsecrationArul Jesu Robin, CMF
2Biblical Spirituality and Religious DiscipleshipR.J. Raja, SJ
3Religious Community: A Call to Word-centred and Word Witnessing FellowshipAugustine Mulloor, OCD
4The Plot of the Gospel of MarkJose Maniparampil
5Democratized Holiness Amidst Conflicts: Biblical PerspectivesA. Maria Arul Raja, SJ
6Prophecy of Religious Life: New Paths, Challenges and Opportunities, Source of ProphecyJose Cristo Rey Paredes, CMF
Vol. III, No. 1 January – June 2008
1Leadership in the Bible: The Paradigms of Moses and JesusArul Jesu Robin, CMF
2Governance in Religious LifeBandhuIshanandVempeny, SJ
3Leadership in Religious CommunitiesThomas Menamparampil
4Religious Life – Looking AheadJoseph Mattam, SJ
5Christian Ashram: A Formative Habitus for Spiritual Formation in the Religious Diversity of IndiaXavier E. Manavath, CMF
Vol. II, No. 2 July – December 2007
1Challenges of Initial FormationMathew M. Vallipalam, OFM
2Dynamics of an Integrated Formation ModelMarie Eugene D’Almeida, AC
3Mysticism for Prophetic Mission (In Formation from Indian Perspective)Thomas D’Sa
4Formation for Fidelity and Consistency in the Vow of ChastityJames Kannanthanam, CMF
5Intercultural Communication and Community LivingMathew Vattamattam, CMF
Vol. II, No. 1 January – June 2007
1The Future of Religious LifeIshanandVempeny, SJ
2Elijah’s Call to Self-transcendence: Learning the Fundamentals of Consecrated Life on Mount HorebPaulson V. Veliyannoor, CMF
3“You Give Them Something to Eat” (Mk 6:37) Teasing; Teaching; or Both? (A Reflection on Discipleshipin Mk 6:30-56V. Lawrence, CMF
4Religious Life and PrayerJoseph Mattam, SJ
5Consecrated Persons Vis-à-vis Natural DisastersS. Devadoss, CMF
Vol. I, No. 2 July – December 2006
1Contemplation and Compassion – An Indian PerspectiveV.F. Vineeth, CMI
2Contemplation and Compassion: A Study of the Recent Documents of the ChurchGilbert Choondal, SDB
3Journeying through Contemplation to CompassionXavier E. Manavath, CMF
4Where is the Spirit leading consecrated life at the beginning of this new Millennium?Jose Cristo Rey Paredes, CMF
5St. Anthony Mary Claret: A Contemplative in ActionJames Kannanthanam, CMF
6Gandhian Relevance to Consecrated LifeA. Pushparajan
7Consecrated Life: Today’s Challenges and Our Creative ResponseInigo, SSA
Vol. I, No. 1 January – June 2006
1Re-thinking Religious Life in a Postmodern PeriodJose Cristo Rey Paredes, CMF
2Religious Life: An Invitation to Love “As I have loved you” (Jn 15:2)Joseph Mattam, SJ
3Principal Doctrinal Contents on Consecrated Life in the Church Documents (Starting from the End of Vatican II)J. Rovira, CMF
4Eucharist and Consecrated LifeJacob Theckanath
5Formation for Love in Religious LifeJames Kannanthanam, CMF
6MissiologicalThrust in Vita ConsecrataXavier E. Manavath, CMF

Chief Editor

Arul Jesu Robin, CMF

Executive Editor

S. Devadoss, CMF

Advisory Board

Felix Toppo, SJ (Bishop, Jamshadpur)

Jose Cristo Rey Garcia Paredes, CMF (Professor, ITVR, Madrid)

Diarmuid O’Murchu, MSC (Author and Lecturer, London)

Joe Mannath, SDB (Executive Secretary, National CRI, Delhi)

Joseph Mattam, SJ (Professor Emeritus, Gujarat Vidya Deep, Ahmedabad)

Shanthi, SAB (Superior General, Sisters of St. Anne of Bangalore)

Serena, MSA (Principal, Sophia College, Ajmeer)

V. Lawrence, CMF (Delegate Superior, Kolkatta Delegation, Kolkatta)


Editorial Board 

Xavier E. Manavath, CMF

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF

S. Devadoss, CMF

Jacob Arakkal, CMF

George Lanithottam, CMF

Pushpa Joseph, FMM

Samuel Canilang, CMF

George Panthalanickal, CMF

Michael Plamparambil, CMF


Review Editor

 Michael Plamparambil, CMF


Circulation Manager

George Panthalanickal, CMF